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This page lists contact details for Wookieepedia and its official representatives.


Individual administrators can be reached via their respective Wookieepedia talk pages, Fandom Community Central Message Walls, or on Discord—as listed on our "Meet the team" page. Additionally, administrators may list alternative contact methods, such as individual email addresses, on their user page.

If you are blocked on the wiki and you wish to appeal your block or seek clarification, please contact the blocking administrator via their Message Wall on Fandom's Community Central. If you were blocked by the Abuse filter and believe it was made in error, please feel free to contact any member of the administration. See Fandom's "I have been blocked" help page for more information and advice.

If you believe you have found a bug on the wiki, you can post in our Senate Hall bug thread or contact Fandom directly.

For Discussions-related issues, please see Wookieepedia:Discussions.

Still unsure? You can reach the administration via the Administrators' noticeboard, or in a private setting via Wookieepedia's Discord server.

Social media

Wookieepedia has an official social media presence on several platforms. The Social Media Team consists of Wookieepedians with access to one or more of our social media accounts, and you can contact them with your questions regarding our social media presence. Individual Social Media Team members can be reached via their respective Wookieepedia talk pages, Fandom Community Central Message Walls, or on Discord—as listed on our "Meet the team" page. Additionally, members may list alternative contact methods, such as individual email addresses, on their user page.

Official social media accounts

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Press inquiries

Press inquiries are encouraged to use wookieepediasmt@gmail.com.

For press inquiries related to Fandom, Wookieepedia's host, please use this link.

See also
