

This article covers the Canon version of this subject.  Click here for Wookieepedia's article on the Legends version of this subject. 
For other uses, see water, ice, and snow.
"You can drink it. Or boil it and it's a sterilizing agent. Frozen, it preserves food or acts as a hammer or weapon. You can drown someone in it. Water can loosen tongues—many effective interrogation techniques utilize water. Everything is a resource."
Ellian Zahra, Lieutenant Commander of the Galactic Empire[1]

A container of fresh water

Water was a liquid consisting of hydrogen and oxygen -hence its chemical name dihydrogen monoxide.[2] It was necessary for most life forms, whether animal or vegetal, sentient or non-sentient. Many planets and moons, such as Kamino,[3] Mon Cala,[4] Scarif, Trask, Nur, and Quila were covered in oceans of water and many species, including the Mon Calamari, Quarren, and Gungans, evolved on, under, and around water.[3] Frozen water was known as ice.[5] According to the Resistance spy Vi Moradi, a human would die after a couple of days without water, though she managed to survive after going three days without water on one occasion.[6]

Water typically fell as rain.[7] However, on arid worlds like Tatooine, moisture farmers needed to use vaporators to collect water from the atmosphere. The Tusken Raiders of Tatooine believed that all water was sacred and promised to them, resulting in them raiding local moisture farms set up by colonists.[8] Indeed, water was more valuable than gold on Tatooine.[9] On Jakku, another desert world, water was a precious commodity and was sold by the junk dealer Unkar Plutt, along with dehydrated rations which could be activated by it.[10]

Stormtroopers are all wet

Imperial stormtroopers march through the waters of Scarif.

Marda Ro of the Path of the Open Hand cult on the planet Dalna saw all water as a gift from the the Force, even if the rains of Dalna could at times cause flooding. After that flooding, the Path recognized new life bloomed, thereby tying into their beliefs on the freedom and balance of the Force.[7] According to Senator Padmé Amidala of Naboo, most industrial processes such as refining and manufacturing required a large water supply.[11] Amidala also enjoyed swimming and her funeral gown evoked water.[12]

The electricity at the the Narkina 5 Imperial Prison Complex was created by water and was described as "all hydro." Its tunqstoid steel floors were vulnerable to water, with the liquid short circuiting the system.[13]

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