

For other uses, see Uneti.
This article is about the uneti tree. You may be looking for Unet or Neti species.

"I have not been able to meditate in my room. But I find when I come here, it is possible."
"It does not surprise me that you are drawn to this place. This uneti tree has a strong connection to the Force. It is why the Jedi Order brought it here."
Barriss Offee and Tutso Mara, on the Great Tree[5]

The uneti tree[6] was an incredibly rare species of long-lived mildly Force-sensitive[1] tree that grew on the planet Ahch-To. The ancient library, which was built to hold the founding texts of the Jedi Order, was made in the hollowed-out trunk of an uneti tree.[2] Chirrut Îmwe, a member of the Guardians of the Whills, had a staff made from its wood.[7]

The Great Tree which grew at the Jedi Temple on Coruscant was also a uneti tree,[4] one that possessed a strong connection to the Force.[8] The tree was said to have come from seeds from the very first Jedi Temple.[9] During the High Republic Era, Jedi Master Wishan created incense using the petals that blossomed from the Great Tree on Coruscant which Stellan Gios found invaluable to use during Meditation.[10] By the time of the Clone Wars, the tree was generations old.[1]

Luke Skywalker's study of the spread of uneti saplings was the key to finding the Temple Island on Ahch-To.[6]

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Behind the scenes[]

Uneti tree was first identified in the Star Wars: The Last Jedi: The Visual Dictionary, written by Pablo Hidalgo and published by DK Publishing[6] on December 15, 2017.[11] Part of tree's name is shared with Neti, species of shapeshifting sentient plants introduced in the comic Tales of the Jedi 5: The Saga of Nomi Sunrider, Part 3, written by Tom Veitch, penciled by David Roach and published by Dark Horse Comics[12] on February 1, 1994.[13]



Notes and references[]

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