- "The underworld shows no mercy. But it's a big galaxy out there, and I’m going to risk it all."
- ―Kay Vess
Kay Vess was a young human female thief from the Worker's District in Canto Bight on the planet Cantonica, Who was raised and trained by her mother Riko Vess, becoming a scoundrel, pirate, and thief. After one too many jobs gone wrong, Vess ended up taking a job to rob the mansion of the crime lord Sliro Ruback of the Zerek Besh syndicate, but ended up captured by Zerek Besh after the rest of the crew revealed themselves to be members of the Rebel Alliance. Vess managed to escape and stole the EML-850 light freighter Trailblazer. After having the ship repaired, she was hired by the crime lord Jaylen Vrax to put together a crew pulling off a Heist once again on Sliro's mansion, with the BX-series droid commando ND-5 as her partner. She would eventually gather the crew from across the galaxy, working towards a life free from Zerek Besh's death mark, and earning reputation in crime syndicates across the galaxy..
At a young age, Kay's mother raised her on the streets of Canto Bight, teaching her the skillset to become a slicer and thief. She pulled off many heists with her mother, where during one of them she met and rescued the merqaal Nix, whom she kept as a partner. Ultimately, she was abandoned by her mother one day at the age of twelve.
Vess, hoping to land a score that can buy her way out of Cantonica, accepted a job to steal from the Sliro's mansion. However, she was ultimately left behind by the crew that turned out to be part of Rebel Alliance. She was able to escape by stealing the Trailblazer, but crash landed on the moon Toshara, where she found herself engaged in a turf war between the Crimson Dawn and the Pyke Syndicate. After repairing the Trailblazer, she was recruited by the outlaw Jaylen Vrax and his BX-series droid commando ND-5 to pull off a new heist against Sliro's mansion, and traveled to the planets Akiva, Tatooine, and Kijimi in order to recruit a crew, all while evading a death mark put out on her by Zerek Besh.
While recruiting, Kay found her Partner ND-5 impaired from suffering heavy damage, making her work with the rebels once again to get ND-5 repaired. She would then get reunited with her mother, whom she still is resentful with for abandoning her, but ultimately chose to work with to steal the passcodes for the heist. While finding the code on the station, Kay observed the Sith Lord Darth Vader and discovered Sliro's ISB identity. With the codes received, the crew was able to complete the heist and receive the valuables from Sliro's mansion. However, it was revealed that Jaylen's true goal was to secure a codex containing a list of information valuable to the Galactic Empire and the coordinates of Akivan rebels to take over Zerek Besh, causing him betray Kay. After being saved by Gedeek and Ank, Kay decided that she needs to save ND-5 for what he did for the crew and Kay. After finding Sliro and Jaylen on the bridge, she found Jaylen's relationship with Sliro as brothers who hated each other, with Jaylen killing Sliro in the end. Later, Kay was able to remove the restraining bolt on ND-5 by using a trap, allowing it to kill Jaylen. The crew later helped Asara fend of the Revelator for the Rebels on Akiva. With her death mark removed, Kay is freed, able to go anywhere in the galaxy with her partner Nix and ND-5.
Early life[]
- "Now what was your lesson?"
"Can't trust someone's always gonna be there."
"That's my girl." - ―Riko Vess and Kay Vess
Born on the planet Cantonica in the city of Canto Bight around 19 BBY, Kay Vess was a human female raised by her mother Riko Vess, and was taught how to pickpocket and steal from a young age. She worked with her mother to pull off many heists, where she met the merqaal Nix during a heist, whom she kept as a companion. However, she was eventually abandoned by her mother when she twelve, after one day receiving her mother's hologram message that she is leaving, but has also left Kay a blaster and a casino chip. As she grew older, she used her skills learned during childhood to eventually become a thief, a pirate, and a scoundrel.[1]
Thief on Canto Bight[]

Kay Vess grew up in the city of Canto Bight.
Her lifestyle, however, caught up with her, and by 3 ABY she was 22 years old, and was living in the attic of The Broken Hoof bar in the city's South Stretch Worker's District. The owner, Bram Shano, allowed her to stay there despite her many debts and enemies. One day while waking up, Kay Vess received her data spike from Bram, which she later repaired at Preeban's shop after stealing some credits with her partner Nix.[1]
Stealing from Sixth Kin[]
- "And now you're gonna say messing with the Sixth Kin is a bad idea."
"It's gonna get you killed." - ―Kay Vess and Bram Shano
With her data spike repaired, Kay would attempt to infiltrate Club Tarsus, a club own by the infamous Sixth Kin, in order to steal an identicard as their ticket to leave Cantonica. Though she stole the identicard, the Sixth Kin was alerted in response to a pressure switch, causing them to lock down the area in search for Kay. Upon returning to The Broken Hoof Bar, Kay was confronted by Bram, who helped dispatch the Sixth Kin forces looking for her, later offering her one last job that would get her enough credits to get a shuttle off-world, demanding her to not return.[1]
Heist on Sliro's Mansion[]
- "We're the Rebel Alliance."
"So?" - ―Asara Deyn and Kay Vess
Following the datapad's directions, Kay would meet up with a heist group let by Dennion, who was secretly allied with the Rebel Alliance, briefing to Kay about the heist while on the speeder. Dennion claimed that their goal is a vault inside a mansion owned by Sliro Ruback to steal the fortune within, concealing the fact that their ultimate goal is to rescue the capture rebel Asara Deyn.[1]
Upon reaching the vault, Kay would slice into the systems with the override, where she then would met the rebel Asara Deyn within a cell, who was later rescued by his rebel allies. Reacting to this, Kay Vess would urgently demand her payment from the crew, threatening lethal force if she is not paid. However, Asara attempted to convince her to join the rebel alliance instead, which was shortly interrupted by Dennion, who stunned Kay with her blaster, leaving Kay behind as a distraction for the incoming Zerek Besh forces. While unconscious, Kay would remember her childhood time with her mother, Riko Vess.[1]
Escape from Cantonica[]
Upon waking up, Kay was confronted by the crime lord Sliro himself, who interrogated her relations with the Rebel Alliance. However, Kay was able to be rescued by nix, who attacked Sliro, leaving an opportunity for Kay and Nix to escape and temporarily trap Sliro in the cell instead. Enraged by Kay's actions, Sliro would place a death mark on Kay, demanding her death in return for a great fortune. After traveling in the ventilation systems, Kay arrived inside the hangar of the mansion, where she discovered the freighter Trailblazer. Fighting her way onto the ship, Kay piloted the ship out to Cantonica Space, where she would then jump into hyperspace and arrive at the Toshaal system on Toshara.[1]
Outlaw in the Outer Rim[]
Arrival On Toshara[]
- "Toshara? I'll take anywhere."
- ―Kay Vess

Kay Vess fends off bandits with Waka after arriving on Toshara.
With the ship heavily damaged, Kay crash-landed the Trailblazer on the surface of Toshara. Surviving the crash, Kay woke up seeing her partner Nix, along with finding a jacket within the ship, which she kept for herself. After opening the rear door of the trailblazer, Kay sees a first Glimpse of the sun of Toshara, only to be immediately ambushed by the Rodian Mechanic Waka, who denounced that he mistook Kay as "one of them", with the two soon being attacked by hired guns, which Kay was able to eliminate. After that, Waka suggested that he can repair the ship to get Kay off world, directing her that the speeder can get her Mirogana City, where she could get the payment to the service by working for Gorak, the boss of the Pyke Syndicate. Kay accepted the deal, but warned Waka to keep the ship intact, or else, will hunt him down.[1]
Working for the Syndicates[]
- "The Empire keeps this cantina neutral, but beyond these walls it's war. You want to survive? Know the players."
- ―Danka Orsato, to Kay Vess
Riding her speeder, Kay arrived at Mirogana city after escaping pursuits of bandits, where Waka informed her that he only needs fuel injectors with no credit payment necessary, claiming that he is repairing it for the contentment of working on a high-quality ship. After passing the imperial inspection, Kay was directed to Makal's cantina, where she found her way up to Gorak's suite as she witnessed him and the soldiers of the Pyke Syndicate neutrializing an Imperial officer, where she was noticed and inquired by Gorak as she was about to leave. Though she was able to mildly affect Gorak with her charm, she was still forced out after aggravating Gorak when she mentioned Waka. However, Nix was able to steal Gorak's ring while entertaining him.

Kay Vess, met by Crimson Dawn operative Eleera Soi (left) and the broker Danka Orsato (right).
Later, she was greeted by the Mon Calamari Broker, Danka, who introduced Kay to the crime syndicates, informing her the importance of reputation in the underworld, and suggesting that she can instead work for some else by stealing information from Gorak's base, which Kay accepted. While exiting the cantina, Kay was called by the Crimson Dawn operative Eleera, giving her directions in stealing the file, soon cutting the transmission after wishing her good luck. Kay later requested additional directions from Waka to infiltrate the base. After infiltrating the Base, Kay found a file of what is actually Gorak's favorite Spotchka recipe, but was also able to slice into the system and find a transmission between the Pyke Tizlak and the Imperial Governor Thorden discussing a plot to overthrow Gorak. Returning the Cantina, Kay was meet by Eleera herself, discussing over her death mark, and how her whereabouts will be kept a secret by Crimson Dawn if she continues to work for them. Kay would decide rather to tell them about the traitor or save it for Gorak, while receiving two fuel injectors from Eleera.[1]
Crossing the Empire[]
- "How do you feel about crossing Imps?"
"Not good, Kay, tell her "not good"." - ―Eleera and Waka, to Kay Vess

Eleera Soi meets Kay Vess and Waka at the Trailblazer.
After bringing the fuel injector back to Waka, Kay was met once again by Eleera, asking Kay to take the repaired Trailblazer on the Imperial dockyard in Toshara space to delete some data. While flying in space, Kay would receive cargo from an intercepted freighter as an excuse to enter the station. While on the station, Kay Vess was able to reach the data vault, but was spotted and questioned by the Gallusian Bosnok, who threatened to sound the alarm unless Kay free him from being the Empire's bookkeeper over criminal records. After being wanted and escaping from the Empire, Kay returned to Toshara and delivered Bosnok to protection, and received information over Vail Tormin, The bounty hunter sent after Kay.[1]
After completing the job, Waka said that he also needs a part to upgrade the speeder used by Kay in order to access the material needed to repair the hyperdrive. Danka suggested that Kay start looking from the cantina in Jaunta's Hope. Arriving in the cantina, Kay was told by the bartender to look for Selo Rovak. After finding the vehicle modder on a cliffside, Selo agreed to help, but requested an atmospheric accelerator to complete the modification on the speeder. Arriving at an imperial wind harvester, Kay was able to find the accelerator, and steal the modification that grants the speeder the ability to gain an immense boost.[1]
With the speeder modification complete, Waka requested that he also needs a compatible nav computer for the Trailblazer only availble in an old ship wreckage buried in amberine, along with a class-eleven power core that can be found in an Imperial comms station on Toshara. After infiltrating the base, Kay Vess was able to escape and then headed towards the wreckage for the Nav computer.[1]
New Enemies, New "Friends"[]
- "You believe that?'
"I believe if you follow the plan, no one gets hurt." - ―Kay Vess and ND-5
As Kay traveled through wind tunnels with the speeder's new boost upgrade, she eventually made her way to The wreckage of the Castellian, a High Republic-dated ship that crashed on Toshara. After making her way on the bridge of the ship and finding the nav computer, Kay was met and betrayed by Waka, who reveals that he has been using Kay the entire time to gather the parts, while always intending to kill her for the Trailblazer when the time is right. However, before being able to kill Kay, he was shot instead by Vail, the bounty hunter that arrived to capture Kay, needing her alive. Kay, being pushed to a corner, accidentally triggered controls causing the wreckage to violently tremble, giving kay an opportunity to escape.[1]

Jaylen Vrax recruits Kay Vess for the heist.
After being chased down, Kay was trapped at a dead end of a door that she cannot open. Vail demanded her to cooperate the arrest. However, Kay was saved by the BX-series commando droid, ND-5, who cranked open the door and pushed back Vail, telling Kay to run. Returning onto the ship, Kay was met again by ND-5, and also the scoundrel Jaylen Vrax, who introduced Kay to a heist that could change her entire life, showing her schematics of Sliro's mansion, claiming a safe filled with 157 million credits worth of unmarked beskar ingots, believing that Kay is fit for the job after he heard that Kay infiltrated his mansion. Kay Vess, despite hesitant, was convinced as being part of the crew, and also to work with ND-5 to hire more crew members. ND-5 informed Kay that he will be Kay's bodyguard and assistant long as she does not betray Jaylen. After flying the repaired Trailblazer to Toshara space, ND-5 suggested that Kay jump to the Kijimi system first for the safecracker, but ultimately leaves the choice to Kay.[1]
Recruiting the Safecracker[]
Arriving on Kijimi[]
- "Welcoming committee. Thoughtful of you."
"That wasn't me. Watch your back, Kay." - ―Kay Vess and Jaylen vrax
In search of the safecracker for the heist, Kay Vess arrives at the Kijimi system, flying through the Kijimi nebula and landing on Kijimi city spaceport. Upon landing, Jaylan introduced the Chadra-Fan safecracker Ank Parako to Kay. While leaving, Kay finds a holotracker belonging to former owner of the Trailblazer, Jet Kordo, which she could use to find stored contraband and holodiscs recording Jet Kordo's adventure. After leaving the Trailblazer, Kay is met by the Ashiga Clan, the syndicate that holds the largest power on Kijimi, who inspected the ship, allowing Kay to leave, but also warning her to never lie to them again.[1]
Finding the Safecracker[]
- "Ank's the best safecracker in the Outer Rim. And we're not getting into Sliro's vault without her."
- ―Jaylen Vrax, to Kay Vess
After arriving in a cantina, Kay heard from the bartender that Ank was captured by the Ashiga, whom she owns million credits of debts to, to work in a factory in order to pay off the debt. After inflitrating the Ashiga District in search of Ank's whereabouts, Kay wasn't able to receive the location, but instead discovered that Crimson Dawn stole a relic from the Ashiga. ND-5 suggested that Kay start looking from the Wellspring, a Crimson Dawn hub near the thermal district. After successfully stealing the relic, Kay was able to enter the Ashiga Clan stronghold to meet Queen Ashiga, where she returned the relic and requested Ank to be freed. The request to free Ank was denied for now, but it will change if Kay continues to work the Ashiga. Kay was later contacted by Krisk Ashiga, daughter of queen Ashiga, who told Kay to meet her at a cantina.[1]

Qi'ra hires Kay Vess for the Crimson Dawn takeover.
At the Cantina, Kay was met by Krisk, along with Lady Qi'ra, leader of the Crimson Dawn. Qi'ra says that she has heard about Kay from Eleera, telling her that the queen will never give Ank because it is their only way to build weapons for the Empire, whom would support their expansion in return. Krisk revealed that she believes working with Crimson Dawn is the only way to liberate the Hive for the better good. Though Kay denied working permanently for Crimson Dawn, she accepted to do it for Ank.[1]
Breaking Out the Safecracker[]
- "Look, I'm not really into politics. Or taking down queens. And I definitely don't like people spying on me."
"Then do it for your safecracker." - ―Kay Vess and Lady Qi'ra

Kay Vess rescues Ank Parako
With the keycard provided by Qi'ra, Kay was able to inflitrate the Ashiga weapons factory, revealed by Krisk to be repurposed for building weapons for the Empire. After finding Ank, Kay was told that Qi'ra had a plan with Ank blowing up the Ashiga stronghold. Before leaving, Ank told Kay that she needed something from her husband from the locker room, and she will leave along with Kay. After finding Ank's lucky charm, Kay help Ank escape from the factory. After telling her about the heist, Ank told Kay that she can only work on one job at a time, which Jaylen later remarked as part of her personality.[1]
Working for Crimson Dawn[]
- "Dank farrik. Syndicates, Imps, even those rebels. They just..."
"Use people?"
"It's like they can't help themselves." - ―Kay Vess and ND-5
Kay would later meet with Qi'ra and Ank, with Qi'ra telling her how she cannot stand the same tyranny as she saw on Corellia, supporting the plan of Krisk taking over the hive while Crimson Dawn spreads their influence. After infiltrating the stronghold and disabling the turrets, Ank informed Kay that Crimson Dawn was playing them, attempting to take the origin strand, the genetic codes of the Ashiga, and take over the hive as a whole. After securing the cyrochamber, Kay toke the origin strand to the throne room, where she met Krisk and Queen Ashiga in a standoff of whom to give the origin strand to. Kay would decide who to give the strand to, deciding the fate of the Clan and the Queen. Ultimately, Kay would be able to leave with Ank, recruiting Ank as part of safecracker of the heist group.[1]
Recruiting the Droidsmith[]
Traveling to Akiva[]
- "You say Gedeek's our guy, I believe you"
"For the record he doesn't." - ―Jaylen Vrax and ND-5, to Kay Vess
In search of the droidsmith, Kay, Nix, and ND-5 would travel to the Akiva system for a droidsmith to bypass the gatekeeper, which was suggested by Kay. While landing on the jungle world of Akiva, Kay introduced Gedeek Obaz to ND-5, saying that he is a talented droidsmith and can even remove restraining bolts, hinting towards ND-5, which it soon denied, responding that he does not require aid. ND-5 suggested that Kay start looking for the droidsmith at The Alcazar, a cantina owned by the Sullustian gangster Surat Nurat. Meeting him there, Kay was able to receive the information that Gedeek is trapped in the Imperial Research base on Akiva.
Infiltrating the Imperial Base[]

At the Imperial base, Kay Vess meets the droidsmith, Gedeek Obaz.
After infiltrating the Imperial research facility, Kay discovered a hologram of Gedeek of his record over reconditioning the Viper droids used for Project Swarm, the Empire's project in finding and destroying rebel bases after the Evacuation of Yavin 4. After finding Gedeek, she was attacked by a reprogrammed protocol droid, but was able to convince him that it was truly her and not an assassin sent to kill him, that he should work for the crew. After getting Gedeek out of the base, ND-5 suggested that Kay find out why the syndicates are hunting Gedeek, and fix it afterwards.[1]
Improving the Speeder[]
Gedeek believed that he should destroy his progress on the Viper droids he worked on for the Empire, but that would require Kay to improve her speeder from his friend Temmin Wexley at Shashin, to equip it with a hydro-repulsor. After learning his whereabouts from his aunt Esmelle, to look near Mount Selase, where he is presumed to be scavenging. Arriving at the location, Kay discovered Temmin already found by bandits, attempting to rob him of his parts. After saving Temmin, he told Kay that he could put the hydro-repulsor on, but requires durasteel struts to make it stable, which was taken by Surat to his island. While traveling, Gedeek revealed that he designed a more advanced vipor droid for the Empire, which he designed hoping to prove himself, but accidentally caused the weapon to loose, causing him to be wanted by every faction, and how he cannot leave the droids to do harm to the good people on Akiva. After attacking Surat's forces and retrieving the struts, Kay gave the parts to Temmin, allowing her speeder to travel across deep water.[1]
Hijaking the Viper Droids[]
- "Kay, please. The only way this works is with you and the rebels."
"I agreed to help clean up your mess, not getting in the middle of someone else's war."
"This is everyone's war." - ―Gedeek Obaz, Kay Vess, and a Rebel Trooper
With the upgrade made, Kay went to meet Gedeek's contact, where she instead was ambushed Viper droids. During the fighter, rebel forces known as Typhoon Squadron moved in and helped defeat the viper droids, telling Kay that they are the contacts that requires Kay to infiltrate an Imperial base while they attack to extract the asset. Kay is highly reluctant to work with rebels again due to her experience at Canto Bight, but agreed only to secure Gedeek as their droidsmith.[1]

While on Akiva, Kay Vess helps the Alliance to Restore the Republic to hijack the Imperial Viper probe droids.
While infiltrating the base, Kay comes across the ISB, whom holds a large section of the base to operate and analyze information from the Viper droids. After disabling the defense grid, Kay met with Gedeek, who plans on using his Freedom Spike, a fusioncutter used for cutting and reprogramming droids, to turn the Viper droid in their favor. Reaching the droid lab, Kay opened the energy barrier for Gedeek to reprogram the droids, but alerted the Imperial forces, which made Kay requested help from ND-5 in response. ND-5 eventually arrived to help Kay take out the forces. Though they were able to repel attack, ND-5 suffered heavy damage, but was able to still function and said that they should move on. With the Viper droids reprogrammed, the group used the droids to assist the rebels in taking down the Imperial forces. With the base secured by the Rebel Alliance and the Viper droids reprogrammed to aid the rebels, Gedeek was able to leave with Kay, joining the crew as the droidsmith to bypass the gatekeeper.[1]
Recruiting the Heavy[]
Searching in Wayfar[]
- "He's a legend with a blaster, ND. And we need him if we want any chance of getting out of Sliro's vault alive."
"Hoss was recently arrested by a small-time Sheriff for looting vaporators. Not very "legendary"." - ―Jaylen Vrax and ND-5

In Wayfar, Kay Vess collects intel from Sheriff Quint.
Needing a heavy to provide firepower during the heist, the crew headed to the desert plant of Tatooine, where they arrived on the remote town of Wayfar, to recruit the Sullustian gunslinger Hoss, whom Jaylen considered as a legend. His reputation, however, is doubted by ND-5, as Hoss is recently arrested by a small-time sheriff for looting vaportators. After looking around the empty town, Kay found the sheriff known as Quint Cresadde, who was the former crewmember of Hondo Ohnaka. However, they were soon met by Hutt enforcers searching for Hoss, but was revealed by Quint that he has escaped disappeared in Tatooine. The Hutts, however, suggests to bring in Quint instead, but were are repelled by Kay and Quint.[1]
Hunt for Hoss[]

Hoss was found to be captured by Tusken Raiders.
After helping the sheriff, Quint told Kay that she was able to corner Hoss at a moisture farm, where he has been holding out at. Arriving at the abandoned moisture farm, Kay found the area emptied, with only the dead body of a bounty hunter and a transponder, which ND-5 believed to still be able to track Hoss. After following Hoss's trail, Kay found herself met by tusken raiders, who escorted her to Hoss after she claimed that she means no harm. Hoss told Kay that bandits stole a krayt dragon pearl that is valuable to the tuskens, and believes Hoss would be a good hostage to bargin for the pearl, telling Kay that she needs the pearl located in a cave filled with bantha bones to free him from the tusken tribe.[1]
After stealing the pearl and returning it to the tribe, Hoss said that he is free to go, but first must pay of a tab at the Cantina, telling Kay to meet him at Docking Bay 94 to meet him for the Job.[1]
Lost and Found[]
- "What's wrong with you? You let your feelings get in the way of the score. Have you learned nothing? Look at me!"
"I'm keeping him." - ―Riko Vess and Kay Vess
Waiting at the docking bay, Kay did not see Hoss anywhere, asking him only to find out that he is in the Cantina. After arriving in Chalmun's Cantina, Kay found Hoss playing Sabacc with an Aqualish gambler, who defeated Hoss in the game, demanding his payment. Hoss did not have the payment, but instead took Nix to make up for it, while letting the audience capture Kay. Though Kay resisted, she was ultimately knocked out by the gambler, falling unconscious. While knocked out, Kay also had another flashback of rescuing and keeping Nix during a heist with her mother Riko, who told her that she's letting her feelings getting in the way of the heist, but Kay insisted on keeping Nix.[1]

Kay Vess infiltrates Jabba's palace
Kay, waking up, found Hoss asking when to leave, only for her to threaten him with her blaster to tell her where they took Nix, and knocking out Hoss afterwards. It was revealed that Nix was taken to Jabba's Palace because he was considered as an exotic pet that can be sold to Jabba. ND-5 told where Kay can infiltrate the palace, but warned her of the danger in crossing Jabba, which Kay ignored, telling him how Nix is family to her. After infiltrating the palace, Kay found and was reunited with Nix after finding him in the menagerie of the palace. Kay would find a way out of the palace, entering a room where she sees the carbonized scoundrel, Han Solo. When she approached to take a closer look, the path exiting the palace was shut off, with Jabba revealing himself, who was displeased by Kay stealing from him after hearing Zerek Besh and Hoss. Hoss was present and captured by Vail, here to claim the bounty. Jabba, saying that no one steals from him, wants to feed her to the rancor. Vail, however, grabbed Kay from falling, demanding that she is needed alive. However, Jabba wants all of them executed to contempt Zerek Besh as revenge for their lost associate. Kay and Vail fell after Vail was pushed by a Gamorrean Guard, with Hoss falling alongside the two.[1]
Escape from Jabba's Palace[]
After falling in the chamber, the group was met by two massifs, instead of Jabba's pet rancor Pateesa. Vail and Kay would then push Hoss, leaving him to be killed and devoured by the beasts. After the two reached the garage of the palace, the gate was shut before they could escape. However, they were attacked by Pateesa, Jabba's pet rancor himself. Kay would distract the rancor by igniting explosive barrels while Vail activate the rails for the barrels to be deployed, baiting the rancor to charge at the gate. While an exit was able to be created, the two was soon pinned down by Hutt Enforcers, forcing them to return to Jabba.[1]
Jabba's Favor[]
- «Alone you fell into my pit. Together you escaped my rancor.»
- ―Jabba the Hutt

Jabba the Hutt gives Kay Vess a chance to be redeemed.
Kay and Vail were met with Jabba again, but he was able to forgive them due to how he was entertained and was impressed by the performance of the two, giving them another chance and allowing Kay to keep Nix. Jabba demands that the two have one last chance to find a Zerek Besh spy within the palace, needing them to go to Bestine Compound and find a name, or else will kill them without any other chances. Kay informed Jaylen that Hoss is dead, which Jaylen was able to accept and told Kay to get permission from Jabba to get off-world, and then reconsider the plan. After meeting Vail outside of Fort Sunfire, Kay infiltrated the base to receive the data, and later escaping with Vail. They were planning to meet Hutt enforcers afterwards in Mos Algo, but Bib Fortuna suggested that they called the enforcers back because they were being followed by the Empire. Kay tried to get help from ND-5, but they later realized that their transmissions were being jammed by the incoming Imperial forces. Kay and Vail continued to repel the Imperial attack, but soon finds themselves overwhelmed. Vail said that they are not getting out of the situation, but Kay comforted her, saying that they got this. However, ND-5 was able to arrive in time with the Trailblazer to attack the Imperial forces and escape Mos Algo[1]
In a remote location, Bib Fortuna, Jabba's right hand man, would meet Zerek Besh and Sliro himself, demanding the location of Kay Vess, in return for securing him a future position as the new leader of the Hutt Cartel.[1]
Returning to the docking bay, Vail would let Kay go for this one time, telling her that she would eventually come back for her. With their plans shifted, the crew would now look for a talented slicer suitable for the heist.[1]
ND-5's Crisis[]
- "I hate to say this, but isn't he programmed to blast you if we go against Jaylen's plans? This is your chance."
"No. Try again." - ―Gedeek Obaz and Kay Vess
While looking for the slicer on the Trailblazer, ND-5 suddenly began to move uncontrollably and violently, likely due to the damage that he has previously sustained on Akiva. Gedeek reported that he is experiencing Cascading system failure, and needs a Compound Regulator, but will be a difficult task due to how a BX-Commando droid is an old model. ND-5 also described that he is seeing darkness, an experience that seems to happen to battle droids before they shut down. Gedeek suggested that Kay leave it since it is programmed to prevent Kay from betraying, but Kay insisted on helping him. Gedeek recommended to talk to Temmin on Akiva in order to help ND-5.[1]
Finding the Factory[]

To help ND-5, Kay Vess explores the Akiva production plant, an abandoned CIS droid factory
While on Akiva, ND-5 asserted Kay that she is wasting time and Jaylen could easy replace it, but Kay told him to save his energy. Upon entering Temmin's shop, the crew found Temmin threatened by a hired gun, which ND-5 killed. It is shown that ND-5 is beginning to lose his personality, displaying the traits of a standard BX-commando droid. After requesting Temmin, he led the crew through an ancient catacomb leading to a Separatist droid factory. After reaching the factory, ND-5's condition began worsen, seeing illusions of clone commandos, then entering a state of transport stasis. Gedeek gave his fusioncutter to Kay, telling her to make way through the factory while he secures ND. After Kay opened the gate and regrouped with Gedeek and ND, she found them in a standoff with a group of rebels including Asara. Asara told Kay to let them go and repair ND only if she works for them, which she first denied, but then agreed to after Gedeek suggested that it may be the last BX factory in the galaxy, with ND almost killing Asara after assuming he was a Jedi, causing him to fire and attempt to contact General Grievous.[1]
Working Again For the Rebels[]
- "You help my friends and I'll help yours."
"You cross me again, I'll sell you to the Empire myself." - ―Asara Deyn and Kay Vess

With the help of Akivan Rebels and Gedeek Obaz, Kay Vess was able to repair ND-5.
Asara told Kay that she needs to rescue a rebel team from Hutts, who are going to sell them to the Empire. Kay threatened him that if he betrays her again then she will sell him the Empire herself, which Asara acknowledged. After arriving on site, Kay infiltrated the area and freed the prisoners. However, Zerek Besh has arrived to neutralize and collect the prisoners. After escorting the prisoners and securing the area, Asara told Kay that she saved a lot of lives, and that they have found a compatible regulator for ND-5. After returning to the base and inserting the regulator, ND-5 began to violently tremble, creating an impact that knocked down Kay. Kay also remembered a flashback of her childhood while unconscious.[1]
Preparing for the Heist[]
Reassembling the Crew[]
- "We need two slicers, right? Well, here's the best of the best."
"Not her."
"A ship, a crew, big job in the works. I always knew you could do it. I'm just here to make sure you finish strong." - ―Jaylen Vrax, Kay Vess, and Riko Vess
Waking up on the Trailblazer, Kay was met by ND-5, who is now fully functional again, telling that it is sorry to cause the inconvenience for Kay. As Kay noticed Jaylen talking to someone, the two met the slicer for the job and the mother of Kay, Riko Vess. Jaylen told Kay that they needed two slicers, and Riko is among one of the top slicers in the galaxy. Kay, however, could not confront her mother, and ignored Riko's greeting of looking forward to catching up. Afterwards, Kay also sees Asara being present, who is revealed to be the heavy for the crew to split the payment for the Rebel Alliance. Kay confronted Jaylen, wanting her cut and Riko gone. Jaylen responded that she needs to get over the past, telling his past of how his family is torn apart by the Empire, and he is the last survivor. Afterwards, he told Kay that Sliro is keeping his master keycode with him, is currently making deals with the ISB, requiring Kay to infiltrate and extract the keycodes. ND-5 informed Kay that Riko has secured a lambda shuttle, and has sent the coordinates for Kay.[1]
Infiltrating the Imperial Station[]
- "Kiddo. Eye on the score."
- ―Riko Vess, to Kay Vess

Kay Vess was reunited with her mother, Riko Vess.
Confronting her mother, Kay received a briefing from Riko. Although resentful, Kay eventually agreed to work with Riko for the job. After infiltrating the base, Kay's movement was accidentally caught by a Viper droid, requiring her to go wipe its data. After deleting the data, Kay then headed towards the meeting room. While traveling through the ventilation system, Kay found Vail discussing via hologram with Sliro about how she's abandoning the bounty. However, Sliro threatened that he will take her fortune on Niamos to recoup his losses, telling her to finish the job, as he has the greater control.

On the ISB station, Kay Vess observed a meeting between the Sith Lord Darth Vader and Sliro Barsha
After closing the call and observing his blaster collection, he was confronted then by the Sith Lord Darth Vader. Sliro reported that Zerek Besh has infiltrated the deepest ends of the criminal underworld, and is on the verge on unearthing the Rebel network, a success for the ISB. However, Vader is instead disappointed, denouncing that Zerek besh has not yet captured a single member of the Rebel Alliance, making it and Sliro a failure. Sliro, in response, accused that the ISB is much more efficent than the Imperial Army, who instead let the rebels escape on Hoth. Angered, Darth Vader shattered the window of the blaster display using the force, trapping Sliro in the broken pieces of glass, warning him to find some rebels soon, then leaving the room afterwards. Kay, astonished by the situation, realized that Sliro was secretly an ISB officer, who created Zerek Besh to uncover Rebel relationships in the underworld. After infiltrating Sliro's quarters, Kay found the codes, and then headed to the security terminal to make her way out of the base with Riko.[1]
Return to Canto Bight[]
Returning to Cantonica, Kay grouped up the crew, informing them of Sliro's ISB relations, which the crew thought would make the situation difficult. Jaylen reminded of the amount of credits that they are giving up on if they walk away, and it is their one chance at a free life. The crew then discussed a plan to infiltrate the mansion, with Kay infiltrating through the ventilation systems of the hangar, two slicers bringing down the energy gate at the vault, Asara securing the exit, Gedeek taking care of the gatekeeper droid, Ank to breach through the chromium time lock of the vault, with the Old Canto Sewers as their exit. Kay would then talk to the crew about their future plans once the heist is done, and talking to ND-5 to start the heist. ND-5 revealed that he doesn't get a cut due to how he's a droid with a retraining bolt, and denied once again Kay's suggestion to remove the bolt.[1]
The Heist[]
- "We pull this off, I'm rich, you're free. Everybody wins."
"Stop. I am loyal to Jaylen. Only Jaylen. Deviate from the plan and I would be forced to eliminate you."
"No. That's not you talking."
"It doesn't matter, Kay."" - ―Kay Vess and ND-5

Kay Vess once again infiltrated Westhill palace for the heist.
The Heist began as Kay landed outside the mansion, securing the area for the crew, with Asara opening the hatch for them to enter. Kay then entered inside the ventilation system to reach the hangar, finding her way to the vault. After regrouping with Gedeek and Riko, Kay sliced into the system to disable the turrets and the gate, allowing Gedeek to hack the gatekeeper droid and grant entry to the vault. After destroying the lock with Ank's explosive, the crew were attacked by Zerek Besh forces. After repelling the attack, Sliro, Vail, along with Zerek Besh enforcers, came to secure the area. Sliro commanded Vail to blast Kay, however, Vail decided that she is betraying Sliro, blasting the enforcers to prove her point. She then bargains for a cut while pinning down Sliro, then knocking him down. The crew were able to escape when Ank blows up the side walls, extracting the valuables to the Canto Sewers. Riko decided that they need to split up, because Gedeek's face is recorded in the casino cameras, which would trigger an alarm, and Ank is out of explosives, making them plan to regroup at the Trailblazer. After reaching the Canto Casino's security room, Kay and Riko met Asara, discovering how Zerek Besh is locking down the Casino. After blasting their way out of the Casino, the Trailblazer was able to arrive in time for them to escape, with the goods secured and the Heist finally succeeded.[1]
The Deception[]
- "Just tipping the scales, Kay."
- ―Jaylen Vrax, to Kay Vess
After securing the crate, Riko opened it, only to reveal that the only thing inside was Sliro's databank consisting of Imperial clearance codes, operation plans, base schematics, and a collection of Imperial officers' blackmail information. Asara thought that it is something better, but then Jaylen controlled ND-5 to aim at Asara and Kay, both astounded by the betrayal. Jaylen revealed that he plans on returning this information and Asara's rebel network to earn the Empire's favor, allowing him to take over the entire Zerek Besh syndicate, in return, removing Kay's death mark. Kay threatened Jaylen and declared the deal to be changed, causing Jaylen to force ND-5 to neutralize Kay. However, Riko interrupted this situation, telling Kay to stand down, with ND-5, being controlled by his restraining bolt, to stun Kay.[1]
Upon waking up, Kay found herself in a pod within the Trailblazer which was revealed that she has been rescued by Ank and Gedeek, who took Riko's shuttle, and they are now on the Imperial II-Class Destroyer known as the Revelator. Gedeek arrived with a knocked-down stormtrooper, telling Kay that with her secured, they can now leave. Kay denied to leave immediately, saying that she needs to free ND before the leave, remarking of the things that he has done for the crew and yet cannot walk away freely. Ank and Gedeek agreed to the Plan, with Gedeek telling Kay to use his freedom spike to remove the restraining bolt from ND-5.[1]
Kay's Last Bet[]
- "Yeah, we lost, but ND is the only one that can't walk away."
- ―Kay Vess
Taking the armor from the stormtrooper, Kay disguised herself and escorted Gedeek as a prisoner, the two looking for ND-5 and Asara by heading towards the control room. Gedeek found out that Sliro is also present to join a conference at the bridge. Kay believed that she can join Sliro's escort to get closer to ND-5. After joining the escort and making her way to the bridge, Sliro was met with Darth Vader through hologram, who has declared that Sliro has outlived his usefulness to the Emperor, while Jaylen reveals himself. Vader says that the Emperor has accepted Jaylen's terms, a bargain of giving the Empire the location of Akivan Rebels and sensitive information, in return, to give Jaylen Zerek Besh. Sliro, left hopeless, eventually revealed alongside Jaylen that they are brothers, that back when the Clone Wars was over, Sliro accused the Barsha family of plotting against the Emperor for a promotion, whereas they could have built thousands of destroyers and became the richest family on Corellia. In the end, Sliro revealed that it was out of envy of how Jaylen always had their parent's favor over him, and took everything he could have ever wanted, with Jaylen killing him with ND-5, the same droid sent to kill every last Barsha. After this, Kay revealed herself, blasting the other stormtrooper and declaring that she is here to save ND and Asara. However, Kay was unable to reach ND, with Asara creating an opportunity for Kay to escape.[1]

Jaylen Vrax holds Asara Deyn hostage.
While running, Kay told Gedeek that the plan failed, but is still determined to emancipate ND-5. After escaping, Kay has arrived at the primary and secondary power core to the destroyer's deflector shields, which Kay believed is powerful enough to stun ND-5 by sending an emergency discharge through the central emitter. After restarting the two power cores and running from ND-5's hunt for her, Kay lured ND-5 to the central emitter, with trap stunning ND-5. When Kay came closer to ND-5, it was still functional enough to grab Kay. Nix arrived in time to give Kay's blaster to her, allowing Kay to blast ND-5, stunning him. Afterwards, Jaylen came while holding Asara as hostage. ND-5 also stood back up, with Jaylen commanding ND-5 to blast Kay. However, it was revealed that the blast from Kay destroyed the restraining bolt on ND-5, allowing it to deny his command and kill Jaylen instead.[1]

With the help of Akivan Rebels and Syndicate forces, Kay Vess and her crew were able to destroy the Imperial Star Destroyer Revelator
With the Barsha brothers dead and the captives freed, the crew would blast their way to the hangar, where they would escape through the Trailblazer and exit the destroyer. However, the star destroyer has already arrived on Akiva, planning an orbital bombardment to destroy the rebel base. Asara is unable to contact the base due to the jammed signal, making Kay cancel the jump the hyperspace and divert the power to deflectors, planning to fight the Empire while sending out a distress beacon. As the crew holds out against Imperial TIEs, Asara is attempting to contact the base for the evacuation. After battle against the Imperial forces, Asara was able to contact the base and send in X-wing reinforcements. Not only that, a crime syndicate has answered the distress beacon, in search of the codex or helping Kay, because they consider her a valuable asset. With the aid of Rebels and crime syndicates, the crew attacked the shield generator and the reactor, causing the Revelator to explode and be completely destroyed, with the crew jumping into hyperspace.[1]
Free Scoundrel[]
- "So where do we go next?"
"Anywhere we want, ND." - ―ND-5 and Kay Vess
With the collapse of Zerek Besh's leadership, Kay became free from the death mark and met with her crew in The Broken Hoof to discuss their future plans. Kay would promise to have Gedeek and Ank's back whenever they get in trouble, and hugging Bram for all the things he has done for Kay, telling him to at least leave the lights on for her room. Returning to the Trailblazer, Kay was met by Vail here to collect her share, but Kay instead paid her with the codex, assumed to be lost in battle, believing that it should hold enough secrets and information for Vail to start her own criminal empire. Despite being offered a partnership by Vail, Kay refused stating she already had a partner and instead told her remember her when she rules the underworld.[1]
Back in the cockpit, Kay met ND-5, asking where they should go now, with Kay replying that they are free to go to anywhere they want.[1]
Farewell to Riko[]
- "You can't trust someone's always gonna be there. But...That's what makes it matter when they are."
- ―Kay Vess, to Riko Vess
At some point during 3 ABY, Kay Vess would sneak into an Imperial cell disguised as an Imperial officer. It is shown that Kay is here to see her mother, Riko Vess, who has been arrested by the Empire after using the credits given by Jaylen Vrax, which turns out to be marked and therefore illegal. After sitting down, Kay revealed that the casino chip given to her by Riko at a young age was actually a tracking device, meaning that Riko has always been caring for her daughter, even after she left Kay. Later, Kay would switch the chip with a lock-pick, giving Riko the ability to escape. Kay would then leave with the stormtrooper escort, leaving Riko in the cell.[1]
Wild Card[]
Hired by the Governor[]
- "I don't work for the Empire."
"I could have the entire underworld believing otherwise." - ―Kay Vess and Governor Thorden
At some point during 3 ABY, Kay Vess traveled to Renpalli station from the suggestion of a Quarren broker, who would hire Kay to work for an unknown client, promising a great fortune. After traveling to the station, there she would meet the broker, leading Kay to the client, where she encountered stormtroopers while following the broker. After reaching the client, who is cooking grassfish congee, Kay would recognize him to be Governor Thorden, informing Kay that he needs her to sneak onto a Sabacc tournament on the casino cruiser Morenia to win a valuable moon, providing Kay a stack of credits for her buy-in. Though Kay stated that she doesn't work for the Empire, Thorden threatens to blackmail Kay with a forged hologram of a fake Imperial identity for Kay, which could the entire underworld believe that she is a spy of the Empire, ruining her reputation. Forced to accept the contract, Kay questioned about what happens if she fails, which the governor replied to let her be creative, then dismissing her.[1]
ND-5 informed Kay that she can try to find someone who knows about the Morenia on the station. Eventually finding the head engineer, Kay convinced her to tell her that a hyperfuel for a ship going to the Morenia is belongs to a ZH-40 shuttle. Leaving the station with the Trailblazer, Kay eventually spotted the said shuttle, she and ND-5 would come across a beacon with an encrypted signal, which alerted security vessels after attempting to access it. After destroying the fighters, ND extracted the coordinates, with the two heading to the rendezvous point for the ship, meeting multiple ships and the casino cruiser itself jumping out of hyperspace.[1]
Sneaking to the Tournament[]
- "Alright, Nix. Let's go...win a moon."
- ―Kay Vess, to Nix

Kay went onboard the casino ship Morenia.
After docking the ship and booking her room, Kay received intel on the tournament, which is hosted on the Grand Coil Stage on the front of the ship. However, Kay was unable to enter due to how she doesn't have an invitation, deciding to steal an invitation and identity to enter the ship. After taking the player list, Kay decided that Zana Gatta would be a suitable candidate, as she is human and unaffiliated. After making her way to Zana's room, Kay found out that Zana has robbed precious sculptures known as Verillian Eggs from the Pyke syndicate, to sell it to Crimson Dawn for her buy-in. With this information, Kay blackmailed Zana to use her invitation for the tournament.[1]
After entering the game, Kay was met by Lando Calrissian, along with the other players. The droid EY-E9 introduced the grand prize of Okala Five, a moon said to contain two point eight trillion tons of pure cyphrite ore, beginning the grand tournament. Kay would play through the game, eventually noticing her buy-in, the Hosnian mintage beginning to beeping noise. Suddenly, the mintage began to produce smoke and then explode, blinding Kay and the players. When Kay recovered conscious, it was revealed that they were raided by bandits, taking away the map. Working with Lando, Kay would blast her way to the Trailblazer, but unable to capture the escaping bandit.[1]
Double Down[]
- "This job is over. Spool up the hyperdrive."
"C'mon Vess. If money doesn't do it for you, then how about revenge?" - ―Kay Vess and Lando Calrissian
While escaping with the Trailblazer along with Lando, Kay was eventually convinced to not give up on the job, in order to make credits out of all the toil and get her revenge on Thorden, who played her the entire time, not expecting her to win and only to get the bomb on the tournament. Going back to Toshara, Kay was told by Lando to recieve further intel from an outpost owned by the bandits known as the Starfallers, the ones that raided the tournament and was hired by Thorden. Kay would then travel to two separate Imperial outpost to discover that the Empire is killing the bandits for the map, and then the coordinates for the Starfaller base. However, the bandit leader Aksali was able to escape. Though Aksali was captured and the coordinates to the moon was taken, Kay rescued Aksali instead, convincing her to tell her that the Empire is taking it to the Mirogana spaceport. Later, the former Imperial bookkeeper Bosnok informed Kay that Governor Thorden has discovered that cyphrite, when mixed with Tolium gas, creates an extremely lethal poison.[1]
Meeting with Lando, Kay was told to sneak into an empty crate, allowing her to be smuggled into the spaceport. After arriving in the spaceport, Kay sneaked her way through the area locked down by Imperial forces, making her way to Thorden's compound. After infiltrating the base through a natural tunnel, Kay discovered that Thorden has been preparing for the collapse of the Empire, having a large supply of resources and a databank, where ND-5 believed Kay could extract the map from. After stealing the map, Kay triggered an explosion in the base, with her escaping to the landing pad. However, the pad was locked down and protected by an AT-ST. Kay lured the walker to fire at the capacitors to open the roof, then stealing the shuttle to escape from the facility.[1]
With the coordinates stolen, Lando transferred the payment and some other gifts to Kay and ND-5. Lando himself came to recieve the moon from Kay, suggesting that he can handle the moon better due to how he worked as the Baron of cloud city. The two discussed over the Empire's fall, with Lando telling Kay to prepare for the day it all comes crashing down, then parting with the map recovered.[1]
Personality and traits[]
- "We've got a saying on Canto: never double-check a winning ticket."
"That is exactly the sort of ill-judged platitude I'd expect from a planet full of gamblers." - ―Kay Vess and ND-5

Vess and her partner, the merqaal Nix.
Kay Vess was a human female with brown hair, brown eyes, tan skin, with a height of 1.7 meters. She also is known to sport constellation-shaped tattoos near her chest and arm.[1]
She had a quick wit and was a hothead. Kay was fluent in both Galactic Basic Standard and Huttese[6], having self-deprecating humor, sometimes attempting to talk her way through obstacles and difficult situations, even though it is shown that she may get nervous and mess up.[1]
Her closest friend and partner in crime, Nix, was a family like no other to Kay, whom she met and rescued from a cage when Kay was still young while pulling off a heist with her mother. The two are almost always seen together, working together to go through obstacles and perform crime. Kay is willing to take extreme measures to reach Nix if they are ever separated. Kay was also partners with the droid ND-5, who provided Kay with intel and suggestions, and eventually being able to build up trust after rescuing each other in difficult situations.[1]
Kay Vess overall enjoyed activities such as eating foodstuff with her partner Nix, with spicy food in particular shown as her preferred taste, and playing arcade machines. She is also known to do gambling activities such as betting on fathier races and playing Kessel Sabbac.[1]
She worked with many crime syndicates during her time in the Outer Rim, but is willing to accept to betray any faction for credits or reputation with another faction. She also have crossed the Empire while on Toshara. Although many viewed the Galactic Empire as an oppressive force, to her, it was just an obstacle as she journeyed through the galactic underworld.[6]
Skills and abilities[]
- "Shouldn't be a problem for the best thief in the Outer Rim."
- ―Lando Calrissian, to Kay Vess
Kay Vess, at a young age, was taught by her mother Riko vess in learning how to become a thief, a skill which was later complimented by working with her partner Nix to steal from others and grabbing faraway objects with ease. Her mother also taught her to slice into security systems in terminals to reach data or interact with nearby mechanisms. Kay Vess also learned to breach security doors and locked chests by using her data spike, which was taught by the Bartender Bram Shanos.[1]
Kay Vess is shown to be extremely agile, being not only able to run tirelessly and climb through obstacles, but also crawl through small ventilation systems, often infiltrating facilities using this technique. Likely due to the fact that she is from the desert world of Cantonica, Kay Vess is unable to swim or float in deep water, as it is shown that she will immediately drown without a speeder. Kay has excellent abilities in bare-hand combat, having remarkable melee skills also taught by Bram. she can attack lesser-armed hostiles with melee combos, or take down enemies by surprise.[1]

The VM-19 blaster was Kay Vess's primary weapon.
Using a VM-19 heavy blaster pistol as her weapon of choice, Kay is demonstrated to be an excellent gunslinger, able to switch between using different configurations for her blaster. When under high pressure in combat, Kay uses a move known as Adrenaline Rush, able to hit multiple enemies with accurate shots under a short amount of time. Kay can also use medium-sized blaster rifles such as the Imperial E-11 blaster rifle and the TL-50 heavy repeater whenever they are available, though abandoning them upon their energy depletion. Kay can also use supplementary combat items such as thermal detonators and macrobinoculars, having the ability to operate the devices when in need.[1]
Kay was also a skilled pilot, being a quick learner when she stole the Trailblazer from Sliro's mansion and learned to pilot the ship out of orbit. She would later become more skilled in piloting the ship, especially in how to handle space combat and using the features within the Trailblazer. Kay can also pilot the S57 Cardinal speeder found inside the stolen Trailblazer, which she is capable of driving to traverse through the land of different planets, later improved by Temmin Waxley to float on water.[1]
Kay Vess was also an experienced gambler. She specialized in the game of Sabacc, mainly playing the Kessel Sabacc version of the game, while also having knowledge in many other variants. Kay also knows how to cheat in the game, by using Nix to collect info on the opponent's hand, and also planting cards to frame opponents as cheaters. Kay also utilized talking to her advantage, either to distract opponents whenever she is in trouble, and also to talk her way through difficult situations.[1]
While in the Outer Rim, Kay Vess honed her skills from multiple experts across the galaxy, who generally taught Kay special skills and improved her equipment. The mechanic, Selo, gave Kay multiple upgrades to her speeder, making it able to perform small jumps with further upgrades, along with teaching her to use a smoke grenade in combat. Aila, the slicer, gave Kay a slicing kit, allowing her to slice through certain systems without depending on a panel. The scavenger Temmin Waxley provided Kay with a Electro-shock prod, allowing tougher enemies and droids to be taken down during stealth. The veteran commando droid MT-7 gave Kay a decrypting module to help decode CIS transmissions. The mercenary known as Rooster also trained Kay to use high-tier Imperial weapons such as the Z-6 rotary blaster cannon. The gunslinger sheriff Quint taught Kay further skills in using the Adrenaline rush, allowing Kay to shoot additional targets. The Jawa hotfixer named Teeka would provide a turrent to the trailblazer, give Kay a cheat in Sabacc with a magnetic dice, and teaching Nix to set off explosives on enemies. Finally, the famous high-roller, Lando Calrissian, would teach Kay to perform a cheating technique known as double-draw in Sabacc, and maneuvers for the Trailblazer. Aside from the specific skills taught by the experts, they all have improved the tools used by Kay, along with her skills in distracting an enemy, her blaster, and ability to survive.[1]
Kay Vess wore a blue jacket over a white shirt. She had a brown belt equipped with a holster and used it to hold her blaster. Vess used the VM-19 heavy blaster pistol against her enemies; it was capable of switching modules while in combat. She also used macrobinoculars to scan the area, allowing her to formulate a plan before entering a guarded zone.[6] Kay was also equipped with thermal detonators during battle to earn tactical advantages, along with bacta vials to recover from injuries. She also used a Data Spike to open closed doors or containers. When not in use, said tool was used as a makeshift hairpin.[1]
Behind the scenes[]
Kay Vess was created for the 2024 video game Star Wars Outlaws. She was portrayed by Humberly González,[7] who provided both the character's voice and motion-capture.[8] Vess first appeared in the world premiere trailer for Star Wars Outlaws that was released on June 11, 2023.[5] One of the key pointers for developing Vess was to convey her as being a rookie scoundrel. It was important to make sure that she was a relatable character, despite the high stakes of the storyline.[9] As a character, Vess also embodies the themes of hope and resiliency, two major tenets of Star Wars storytelling. González was also honored to portray a major Star Wars character as a Latina immigrant. González expressed as such in an interview with interviewer Kate Sánchez,[8] who further stated that González wants to be a beacon for young girls, particularly young Latina girls.[10]
In the game Star Wars Outlaws, the player can choose to let Kay hire the crew in any order, even though the game suggests the player to travel in the order of Kijimi, Akiva, and then Tatooine. This means that the part where Kay recruits the crew should not actually be considered in chronological order, as the order can be changed depending on the player's choice. However, the choices lead to the same result in the end. The section "Wild Card" is also a DLC update for the game, which becomes available after hiring the first crew member. Even though it belongs in the main story section in the game, it can be accessed anytime after, making it an optional and therefore not fully canon information.[1]
- Star Wars Outlaws (First appearance)
Notes and references[]
- ↑ 1.000 1.001 1.002 1.003 1.004 1.005 1.006 1.007 1.008 1.009 1.010 1.011 1.012 1.013 1.014 1.015 1.016 1.017 1.018 1.019 1.020 1.021 1.022 1.023 1.024 1.025 1.026 1.027 1.028 1.029 1.030 1.031 1.032 1.033 1.034 1.035 1.036 1.037 1.038 1.039 1.040 1.041 1.042 1.043 1.044 1.045 1.046 1.047 1.048 1.049 1.050 1.051 1.052 1.053 1.054 1.055 1.056 1.057 1.058 1.059 1.060 1.061 1.062 1.063 1.064 1.065 1.066 1.067 1.068 1.069 1.070 1.071 1.072 1.073 1.074 1.075 1.076 1.077 1.078 1.079 1.080 1.081 1.082 1.083 1.084 1.085 1.086 1.087 1.088 1.089 1.090 1.091 1.092 1.093 1.094 1.095 1.096 1.097 1.098 1.099 1.100 1.101 1.102 1.103 Star Wars Outlaws
- ↑
Star Wars Outlaws: Meet Kay Vess' Actor | Ubisoft Forward on the official Ubisoft YouTube channel (June 12, 2023) (backup link)
- ↑
Kay Vess in the Databank (backup link)
- ↑
ND-5 in the Databank (backup link)
- ↑ 5.0 5.1
Star Wars Outlaws: World Premiere Trailer on the official Star Wars YouTube channel (backup link) (Posted on StarWars.com)
- ↑ 6.0 6.1 6.2
Star Wars Outlaws Official Gameplay: All the Star Wars Lore, Details & Easter Eggs | Ubisoft Forward on the official Ubisoft YouTube channel (backup link)
- ↑
Star Wars Outlaws™ Opens Up a Galaxy of Opportunity by Chastity Vicencio (June 11, 2023) on Ubisoft's official website (backup link)
- ↑ 8.0 8.1 INTERVIEW: Kay Vess Embodies Two Star Wars Themes—Hope & Resiliency by Kate Sánchez on butwhytho.net (July 30, 2024) (archived from the original on August 4, 2024)
- ↑ Star Wars Outlaws' Setting Is A Dream Playground, According To Narrative Director by Kyle Hillard on Game Informer (August 15, 2023) (archived from the original on August 27, 2023)
- ↑
Kate Sánchez (@OhMyMithrandir) on Twitter: "I wish it had been recorded via video, Humberly cried when talking about her own resiliency and Kay, and how important it is to be a beacon for young girls, and more specifically young Latinas in a space where we have to fight so hard. I cried too." (backup link)